*Extra Help every Tuesday, Wedneday, and Thursday after school until 3:30 pm!*Please fill out the form below if you are attending an extra help meeting and hand it in at least one day prior to the extra help meeting!!*
Middle School Science Syllabus
2023-2024 School Year
The middle school classes will be focusing on select topics from major disciplines of science: Physical, Life, Earth, Space Science and Living Evironment. The curriculum and assessments have been aligned to the New York State Next Generation Standards.
7th Grade Textbooks:
We will be using the following text modules in class from Science Fusion.
Course Supplies:
Students are expected to bring the following supplies to class every day:
Policies and Guidelines:
Attendance Policy:
Homework Policy:
Late Work
Extra Help
Grading Policy:
Several factors make up the grade in Science.
Lab Activities:
See resource section in google classroom for expectation.
Google Classroom:
Contact Information: