Homework 10/24 -10/28 Monday: Spelling: Phonics Page Math: Pgs. 39 and 40 Reading: Read for 20 minutes with a parent/guardian. **Enrichment** - Have your child create a short story with 4 or 5 OLD spelling words. (IN HW BOOK) Tuesday: Spelling: Phonics Page Math: Pgs. 41 and 42 Reading: Read for 20 minutes with a parent/guardian. **Enrichment** - Have your child create a short story with 4 or 5 OLD spelling words. (IN HW BOOK) Wednesday: Spelling: Phonics Page Math: Pgs. 43 and 44 Reading: Read for 20 minutes with a parent/guardian. Thursday: Happy Birthday Skyler! Boo(k) Report Due! No Homework! Have a wonderful weekend! Friday: No school today for children! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! This week the children DO NOT have spelling and high frequency words. We will be reviewing prior skills and old spelling words. Keep an eye out for the results of your child’s I-Ready diagnostic. I will be sending it home at the end of the week. Remember, this is a tool to help the teachers and not a grade for the children. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for all you do! **Future event: First grade will be picking pumpkins on the grass area outside. It is for the children only. I will send an approximate price when I know how much the pumpkin will be. Plan for 4-5 dollars per student ** -Miss Blank