and look forward to the future with confidence.”
Pope John Paul II
This Week We Are Learning (1/20/25):
Reading- This week we will focus on the following Target Skills: blending phonemes, identifying medial sounds, reading with expression, classifying and categorizing, identifying number words, determining cause and effect, identifying author's purpose, making inferences/predictions, and verbs in the past tense. We will also be working to identify the letter Hh and its corresponding phoneme, /h/. The high frequency words are: my and are. (Please continue to practice reading and identifying all of our High Frequency Words at home.)
Religion- In this chapter the children will learn about the Ten Commandments.
Math- The children will work with counters and other manipulatives to separate small number groups and record the results of simple subtraction problems.
Social Studies- We will continue talking about Martin Luther King, Jr.
Science- This week we will wrap up our unit on states of matter. We will begin talking about ocean animals.
Monday, 1/20
Tuesday, 1/21
-Nursery Rhyme worksheet
- Practice writing your first and last name
-Read or be read to for 15- 20 minutes
-Read: Unit Readers using Wonders Online (Monday-Thursday)
-Workbook p 91-92
Wednesday, 1/22
-Phonics Worksheet-Worksheet
Thursday, 1/23
- Complete High Frequency Words worksheet
- Practice writing your first and last name
-Read or be read to for 15- 20 minutes
-Phonics Worksheet
- Practice writing your first and last name
-Read or be read to for 15- 20 minutes
Workbook p 85-86
Hello, my name is Elizabeth Reyes and I am the Kindergarten Teacher at St. Martin of Tours. This is my thirteenth -year teaching here. Previously I taught in another Catholic School. Over the years, I have taught children in Kindergarten, Second, Third, and Fourth grade.
I absolutely love to teach and I feel so blessed to be able to help my students learn and grow. This year, we are going to have a wonderful time making new friends, learning lots of new things, and growing in God’s love.